Brooklyn – Movie Review

Hello! Welcome back to Movie Monday! I bring you the review of Brooklyn. Brooklyn was directed by John Crawley and with the help of screenwriter Nick Hornby, cinematographer Yves Bélanger, custom designer Odile Dicks-Mireaux, all accompanied by the most beautiful music provided by Michael Brook, brings together a beautiful story.

Movie Locations – New York City Edition

Hello! Ever dreamt of sitting at the stairs where Blair Waldorf instituted her leadership? Or have a croissant while wearing a little black dress and staring at Tiffany’s showcase like you are in Breakfast at Tiffany’s? Well, if you happen to be in New York City you can visit all these cool locations:

Mug Cake – Recipe

Hello! You know those mornings where you want something special for breakfast? Or in the middle of the afternoon when you just want a sweet snack? Well, I have the perfect solution for you, and a very easy one too! Today we are learning how to make a very simple Cake in a Mug:

Bedroom Ideas

Hello! I’m sure that a lot of you enjoy doing or watching room makeovers. The idea that the same space with different furniture or the same furniture changed in different positions can make you more happy or comfy in that room it’s really appealing. But what about all the work and the time that you… Continue reading Bedroom Ideas

Favorite Skincare Products – Avène

Hello! Skincare should be really important for everybody. I’m not talking about lip fillers or beauty. Skincare is the use of cosmetics to care for the skin. And last time I checked we only have one skin for all our lives, that’s why is so important to take care of it. I’ve tried a lot… Continue reading Favorite Skincare Products – Avène

Carrie Pilby – Movie Review

Hello! This movie is on my TOP 5 favorites. Storyline: Carrie is a 19-year-old child-prodigy (portrayed by Bel Powley). She graduated from Harvard University at a very young age and now is living on her own in NYC. She’s now a bit isolated and visiting Dr. Pretov, a therapist, that makes her write a to-do… Continue reading Carrie Pilby – Movie Review

How To Do Moodboards

Hello! Moodboards have helped me with my anxiety. Let’s start there. What are moodboards? A moodboard is like the visual form of brainstorming. Moodboards can help visualize an idea, therefore can help at work projects, school, blogs… But moodboards can also help inspiring yourself and your life. Let’s get into how to do them because the… Continue reading How To Do Moodboards

How to Clean Makeup Brushes *Easy*

Hello! No time to clean your make up brushes following a 20-step by step tutorial? Cleansing sprays or soap are too expensive? Well, let me tell you the easiest and effective way to keep your brushes and beauty blenders clean! Let me start by saying that you should clean all of them at least once… Continue reading How to Clean Makeup Brushes *Easy*

Ultimate Christmas Gifts Guide

Hello! Christmas is here and I’m ready for it! I mean I’ve been ready since November… I love Christmas and I get really excited to spend time with my family and friends, listen to Christmas songs, watching Christmas specials on the telly and giving presents to the people I care about. Now, gift-giving is my… Continue reading Ultimate Christmas Gifts Guide

Instagram Favourites – October

Hello! Fall is here and so are the hashtags #instafall #fallinspo #sweaterweather and so many more. I love scrolling down those hashtags because they actually inspire me in my daily life but also to be more creative with my Instagram and Twitter feed.                     Today I… Continue reading Instagram Favourites – October